Current Vancancies

Current Vacancies

Current Vacancies

The Kunsthalle Bremen is one of the oldest and most renowned museums in Germany, looking back on nearly 200 years of history. Its public image is shaped by spectacular special exhibitions, the presentation of 700 years of art history as well as innovative curatorial concepts and a leading role within the research community. Founded in 1823, the Kunstverein in Bremen with over 10.000 members is still the governing body of the Kunsthalle. In 2011, the Kunsthalle Bremen reopened its building with a significantly expanded architecture and updated facilities. Over the course of the last years, the Kunsthalle has initiated a process of diversification and digitisation, responding to the demographic and medial change in Germany and to enable various access.

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(Fig. above: John Cage, Writing through the Essay 'On the Duty of Civil Disobedience', 1985/91, Kunsthalle Bremen – Der Kunstverein in Bremen, © John Cage Trust, photo: Marcus Meyer Photography)