U18 between Dürer and Cage 25.11.2023 – 11.02.2024
U18 between Dürer and Cage
For the first time, the Kunsthalle Bremen is showing in an exhibition masterpieces from its own collection and interpretations by children and young people as equal.
Twelve Kitas and schools from Bremen and Lower Saxony were invited to invited by the Kunsthalle to engage in a dialogue with masterpieces from the collection. Works by the Renaissance master Albrecht Dürer were surveyed as well as historical works by Arnold Böcklin and Lovis Corinth or contemporary art by Pipilotti Rist and Martin Parr.
The results of this confrontation show that the house's collection can function like a battery. For the results, works are created with the highest energy density and playful seriousness, which have already been presented in the summer of 2023 in the respective districts of the participating Kitas and schools and now want to assert themselves in a joint exhibition together with the great role models.
By taking the creativity of the young generation seriously and promoting it in this way, the Kunsthalle Bremen is treading new new paths. At the same time, "U18 between Dürer and Cage" is the third exhibition in the anniversary year, after the VEGA and Resonance projects, to focus on interpretations and interactions with the collection "from outside".
(Fig. exhibition overview: Forward = backward: Arnold Böcklin’s Adventurer as a Möbius strip. Project outline of the Ökumenisches Gymnasium Bremen, 2023 | Fig. above: Dance performance by the Gymnasium Horn, 2023)
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