Contemporary Art
Contemporary Art
In its exhibition series on contemporary art, the Pauli Prize (former Kunstpreis der Böttcherstraße / Prize of the Böttcherstraße) and monographic shows organized by the Supporter’s Circle for Contemporary Art, the Kunsthalle Bremen presents the latest movements in international art. The collection of contemporary art is constantly being expanded through the acquisition of works from these exhibitions, most recently through pieces by Sarah Morris, Daniel Knorr, Nina Beier, and Mary Reid Kelley.
A special mission of the Kunsthalle Bremen is to create a dialogue between the contemporary collection and the history of the Kunstverein, the building, and the historic collection. This way, works on permanent display by Olafur Eliasson, Candida Höfer, Christian Jankowski, William Kentridge, Pipilotti Rist, Cindy Sherman, Andreas Slominski, and Wolfgang Tillmans can be understood as revisions and comments on older works of art.
This dialogue is inscribed in the Kunsthalle building both permanently and temporarily, such as the light installation Above – Between – Below (2011) by James Turrell that stretches over three floors in the building, in the monumental mural (2013) by Sarah Morris in the Kunsthalle’s central gallery, and the site-specific installation by Thomas Hirschhorn, which transformed the historic Grand Gallery into a staged ruin in 2015/16.
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