Patrons and Sponsors

Patrons and Sponsors

Become a Sponsor of the Kunsthalle Bremen

Be in good company and benefit from the reputation of the Kunsthalle Bremen. Take advantage of the various exhibitions, events, and communication channels of the Kunsthalle Bremen to present your business as a supporter of the arts and demonstrate your commitment to society. Underscore and promote the quality of your location in Bremen with your involvement with the Kunsthalle. This type of involvement places you in a positive light, creates opportunities to address people in non-commercial settings, and has a positive effect on your work climate.

Every company is unique. And so is our partnership.
We don’t develop rigidly structured sponsorship and patronage programs. Instead we work with you to develop a type of partnership that caters to the needs and wants of your company so that both sides can benefit from our collaboration. In the following, you can find special examples of how these types of partnerships can be configured.

Become a member of the Unternehmenssalon!
As a member of the Unternehmenssalon (Company Salon) of the Kunstverein in Bremen, you will support special exhibitions and the many activities organized by the Kunsthalle with the goal of making art and culture accessible to everyone. Become a part of an important, lively platform that offers exclusive access to new networks and allows you to help shape Bremen’s cultural landscape.

Learn more

Communicating Art Together
The Kunsthalle Bremen epitomizes openness to all groups in society with its comprehensive mission to bring people closer to art. We especially have an eye for those who would not find their way to the Kunsthalle through their own initiative or knowledge of art, but instead need an “avenue of approach”. Beginning by introducing art to the youngest children in nursery schools as well as grade schools and secondary schools, we offer painting and drawing classes for teenagers and adults and to older people and patients with dementia and their relatives. We also take our newest citizens into account by holding events to introduce other cultural groups to our culture with the help of interpreters. Your position as a sponsor or patron not only supports the Kunsthalle’s mission but also makes a direct contribution to the well-being of our society.

We tell everyone about our exhibitions. And your involvement.
Being a sponsor or a patron of an exhibition is the traditional form of support at the Kunsthalle. Since most exhibitions use special advertising formats, this presents an excellent opportunity to communicate your company’s sponsorship to your target group. Press releases, a press conference, flyers, posters, street advertising and even the Kunsthalle Bremen’s website are all possible channels.

These patrons and sponsors support our mission.

Many hands help many others – major sponsors at the Kunsthalle Bremen
We frequently and with great pleasure thank those who help us secure a significant portion of our annual budget. As a major sponsor of the Kunsthalle Bremen, your presence is felt everywhere. We are constantly trying to work out unique opportunities that are directly linked to your business operations and core capabilities. At the same time, we enjoy involving your employees when it comes to communicating art – people who look beyond their own noses develop more creativity and capacity for abstract thought as well as have more fun at their jobs. Furthermore, involvement with us increases their identification with their own company: “We are sponsors!”

Support us however you want!

We would be happy to provide you with information regarding the sponsorship and patronage opportunities mentioned above as well as many others. Please contact us.

Contact us:

Matthias Timmlau
+49 (0)421 - 32 908 193